With low temperatures it can happen that the Octalarm does not start well after a reset. Therefore, we strongly recommend owners of these Octalarm(s) to update the Octalarm-IP.
The updating process
To find out whether your Octalarm(s) belogns to the mentioned batch a website has been developed where you can enter the serial number of the Octalarm.
The serial number can be found in the following places:
Go the the webpage: https://www.adesys.nl/en/support/octalarm to check the serial number.
In case the serial number belongs to the concerning batch you will be provided with several options to easily update your Octalarm. You will find a more extensive explanation about the updating process on the website.
In case you have any questions, we are happy to help. You can contact the service department of Kleventa for this. They can be reached vai +316544372994.
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